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free download Adobe Photoshop CS 10

         Continuing our history of providing the direct download links for major Adobe products such asCreative Cloud, CS6, Lightroom 5, and Acrobat XI, below you’ll find the direct links from Adobe’s servers for free trials of the brand new releases of Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10, for both Windows and the Mac OS.
Direct download links for Adobe Elements 10
The links given below go to the authentic and secure files residing on Adobe’s servers, are guaranteed genuine and will not change. They are especially useful when you are unable to download Adobe’s free trials via other means – often due to difficulties with the Akamai Download Manager (the Adobe DLM). With the links provided below, you can use your own browser’s download capability, or another download manager of your choice.
For setting up Elements on Windows (both PSE 10 and PRE 10), each program consists of two downloaded files: an .exe and a 7-Zip file (.7z). The .exe file will only work (and install) once the .7z file is fully downloaded and resides in the same location. For the Mac, it’s just a single .dmg file for each program.
[ Find out more with our Elements 10 Release Overview… or see what’s new in 10 vs. 9. ]

Note: Very Important Instructions

 recommends temporarily turning off any surfing restrictions you might have running, like site or cookie blocking, filtering, firewalls or antivirus software.You must have a free Adobe account and be logged into it to use the links below, as Adobe sets a session cookie on your browser that allows you to access the direct download links. Otherwise, you will receive an “access denied” or “resume your download” message prevent­ing the connection. So please follow these instructions carefully or the links will not work!
  1. Click «HERE» to visit this page first, before clicking any of the links below – this is critical!
  2. If asked, sign in with your Adobe ID or take a minute to create one for yourself.
  3. Now close any windows that popped up and cancel any downloads that started.
  4. OK! Now you’re logged in at Adobe with the trials cookie set, so you can instantly download any of the software below. Just make sure you have enough disk space.
  5. Download the files either by clicking directly on the DDL links, or by right-clicking and choosing “Save Link As…” on the popup menu – and save all files to the same place.
  6. Then follow the product installation instructions here.
Special: Legally download dozens of free Adobe books for a limited time!

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 (PSE 10) Direct Download Links

Photoshop Elements 10 – Windows (1.5 GB):   File 1   File 2
Photoshop Elements 10 – Mac (2.0 GB):   File 1

Adobe Premiere Elements 10 (PRE 10) Direct Download Links

Premiere Elements now comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions…  64-bit offers higher perfor­mance but choose the 32-bit flavor if you’re unsure what your Windows system is.

Premiere Elements 10 – Windows 32-bit (1.4 GB):   File 1   File 2
Premiere Elements 10 – Windows 64-bit (1.5 GB):   File 1   File 2
Premiere Elements 10 – Additional Content – Windows (3.0 GB):   File 1   File 2

Premiere Elements 10 – Mac (1.8 GB):   File 1
Premiere Elements 10 – Additional Content – Mac (3.2 GB):   File 1

The additional content contains InstantMovie themes, title templates, DVD/Blu-ray menu templates, and music to enhance your movies created with Adobe Premiere Elements 10 software. Themed HD and SD content includes Birthday Party, Road Trip, Outdoor Wedding, Broadway, Kid’s Channel, Family Memories, Extreme Sports, News Reel, Comic Book, and more.

Product languages supported: The Elements 10 tryouts are currently available in English, French/Français, German/Deutsch, Dutch/Nederlands, Italian/Italiano, Spanish/Español, Portuguese/Português, Swedish/Svenska, and Japanese/日本語 – for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Adobe says additional language versions will be available soon.
We suggest using a browser other than Internet Explorer to download the files above. They can be quite large and IE has been known to drop the extension (like “.exe”) from the Windows filename. If this happens and you can’t open a file, then just rename it to add back the extension. But generally, using Firefox or Chrome will work better – and if you have any issues getting the downloads to work with one browser, then try another.
Related: Which option is right for you? Compare Adobe CS6 vs. Creative Cloud

Installation Tips

New Adobe CC 2014 Direct Download Links: All Free Trials
  • You do not need to uninstall previous versions of Elements; some users prefer to keep the older, familiar version(s) around as they come up to speed with the new version’s features.
  • Install with an account that has administrative privileges (not a Limited User Account if you are using Windows Vista).
  • For the easiest installation experience, quit any open programs, including virus protection software, prior to installing Elements 10.
  • Read the accompanying Photoshop Elements 10 Release Notes inEnglish, French, or German.
  • If you run into any difficulties, see the Elements 10 Installation Troubleshooting page.
*** Note: If you have any problems getting the files to download or install, be sure to read the earlier comments on this page – as most questions have already been asked and answered below!


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